Milena Belloni
Chapter from the book: Belloni, M. 2019. The Big Gamble: The Migration of Eritreans to Europe.
Chapter from the book: Belloni, M. 2019. The Big Gamble: The Migration of Eritreans to Europe.
The conclusions outline the relevance of the research findings for the general debate on refugee and forced migration studies. It first highlights the importance of moral, imaginative and social aspects in the analysis of refugee movements especially from areas of protracted crisis. In particular, it points out the role of transnational networks to provide not only the economic support, but also to strengthen the imaginaries and moral imperatives related to migration. Second, the conclusions stresses that normative aspects of unauthorized migration, in particular the unwritten moralities that underpin it are key to understand border crossings. Then, it show the relevance of looking at high-risk migration as a cumulative process which progressively entraps migrants into betting more and more on migration at all cost. Finally, it elaborates on the dialectic relation between mobility and immobility and its manifold meanings across the different stages of the migration process.
Belloni, M. 2019. Conclusion. In: Belloni, M, The Big Gamble. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on Dec. 17, 2019