Conclusion: Toward a Caring Society
Tara Patricia Cookson
Chapter from the book: Cookson, T. 2018. Unjust Conditions: Women’s Work and the Hidden Cost of Cash Transfer Programs.
Chapter from the book: Cookson, T. 2018. Unjust Conditions: Women’s Work and the Hidden Cost of Cash Transfer Programs.
Dominant actors in international development and global health urge the implementation of “adequate” cash transfer programs to enhance human capital, eradicate poverty, and reduce inequalities. Yet poor rural women’s experiences illustrate that conditionality is an unjust means for achieving these goals. I turn here to consider how women’s experiences might reorient optimistic discussions about the potential for unconditional cash transfers to drive what some have imagined as a “new politics of distribution.” As this book argues, without a substantive investment in improving the basic conditions of people’s lives, cash only alleviates some of the costs of caring.
Cookson, T. 2018. Conclusion: Toward a Caring Society. In: Cookson, T, Unjust Conditions. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on May 4, 2018