Love and Money, Romance and Scam
Donald L. Donham
Chapter from the book: Donham, D. 2018. The Erotics of History: An Atlantic African Example.
Chapter from the book: Donham, D. 2018. The Erotics of History: An Atlantic African Example.
This chapter interrogates notions of love in Western societies. In American society, love is theoretically removed from financial concerns. However, for the African partners of Western gay men, this distinction is not clearly marked. African informants reported finding commodities and financial gain as highly erotic. Rather than view this as a contradiction, the author uses it to further the argument that sexuality is not an adequate concept for understanding this ethnographic material. Rather, a focus on erotics draws attention to the historical and social elements of sexual behavior.
Donham, D. 2018. Love and Money, Romance and Scam. In: Donham, D, The Erotics of History. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on March 9, 2018