The Poverty of Sexuality
Donald L. Donham
Chapter from the book: Donham, D. 2018. The Erotics of History: An Atlantic African Example.
Chapter from the book: Donham, D. 2018. The Erotics of History: An Atlantic African Example.
In this chapter, the author returns to contemporary Atlantic Africa to consider how the contemporary concept of sexuality is at play in the relationships between Caucasian and African men. The author argues that African men in this area who engage in same-sex relationships with Westerners do not fall into traditional categories of gay or straight. Rather, many of them have African wives and families. Through an examination of Freud and Foucault, the author argues that sexuality is a modern phenomenon that cannot be universalized.
Donham, D. 2018. The Poverty of Sexuality. In: Donham, D, The Erotics of History. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on March 9, 2018