Boundary Narratives
Kate McDonald
Chapter from the book: McDonald, K. 2017. Placing Empire: Travel and the Social Imagination in Imperial Japan.
Chapter from the book: McDonald, K. 2017. Placing Empire: Travel and the Social Imagination in Imperial Japan.
The representation of the empire as a space of circulation elided the increasingly restrictive and unevenly applied terms under which circulation was allowed. Chapter Three argues that the rise of anti-imperial nationalism and anti-colonial liberal movements produced a shift in the spatial politics of empire. As these movements began to demand political rights for the colonies, the newly-constituted Japanese tourism industry began to promote the imperial nation as a space of free mobility while eliding the differential mobility of colonized subjects. The chapter analyzes intra-imperial border-crossings described by Y?m Sangs?p, Cai Peihuo and other colonized subjects in conversation with promotional materials from the Japan Tourist Bureau and Korea-Manchuria Information Bureau and Japanese imperial travelers’ own accounts of border-crossing to show how a growing corpus of official and unofficial practices treated colonized subjects as “in place” only in colonial territory and imperial citizens as in place anywhere in the empire.
McDonald, K. 2017. Boundary Narratives. In: McDonald, K, Placing Empire. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on Aug. 1, 2017