Mingling but Not Merging: Changes and Continuities in the Identity of Taiwanese in Mainland China
Shu Keng Emmy Ruihua Lin
Chapter from the book: Dittmer, L. 2017. Taiwan and China: Fitful Embrace.
Chapter from the book: Dittmer, L. 2017. Taiwan and China: Fitful Embrace.
This chapter seeks to answer the question: Why do Taiwanese settle and blend into Chinese society but persistently refuse to identify themselves as Chinese or even assume a less exclusive Taiwan identity? We argue that the differences between the two cultures frustrate the enthusiasm of the Taiwanese to revise their Taiwan identity. With respect to the cultural influences, the living culture plays a role, in that Taiwanese settled in the Yangtze Delta are willing to consider themselves as the new Shanghainese or new Kunshan residents. But the key is political culture, since young Taiwanese growing up in a democratic society are generally less willing to accept themselves as the subjects of the PRC. Their ability to travel back and forth empowers these Taiwanese to hold on to their original identity. The study of the Taiwanese in China provides a critical case study for immigration under the context of globalization.
Keng S. & Ruihua Lin E. 2017. Mingling but Not Merging: Changes and Continuities in the Identity of Taiwanese in Mainland China. In: Dittmer, L (ed.), Taiwan and China. California: University of California Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/luminos.38.d
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Published on Oct. 3, 2017