“Accented” Latinx Textese: Bilingual Scriptural Economies and Digital Literacies
Sara Veronica Hinojos
Chapter from the book: Rangan, P et al. 2023. Thinking with an Accent: Toward a New Object, Method, and Practice.
Chapter from the book: Rangan, P et al. 2023. Thinking with an Accent: Toward a New Object, Method, and Practice.
Hinojos, S. 2023. “Accented” Latinx Textese: Bilingual Scriptural Economies and Digital Literacies. In: Rangan, P et al (eds.), Thinking with an Accent. California: University of California Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/luminos.148.e
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Published on Feb. 21, 2023